Contact us

Use the form below for general enquiries. If you have a question or need more information about a particular Greet use this form.

If you would like to give us feedback on your Greet experience then please visit our Feedback page.

If you want to book a Greet then please visit our Book a Greet page.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Our operation is staffed by volunteers and our greets are entirely free, but we appreciate donations to help towards our administrative costs:


Some FAQs

How do I apply for a London Greet?

Simply go to the Book A Greet page and fill out the form and then you are one step closer to meeting your knowledgeable, friendly greeter.

What happens next?

When we receive your form, we will then confirm the Greet by e-mail, and your Greeter will also contact you directly to confirm arrangements. Please allow several days for us to respond.

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